A party game for People Who...
are offensive
are defensive
are a little judgy
are quirky
are people

How to Play


The judge plays a "People Who" card


Everyone plays a card they think are the same people as the judge’s card


After some semi-healthy discussion, the judge gives a point to the card they like the best


Then start the next round with a new judge, likely harboring some minor resentment


Is the judge's choice terrible? Once per game cash in your I Feel Attacked! card, tell everyone why it's wrong, and make the group vote on a better option


Get the right amount of points to win!
5 points for 4-6 players
4 points for 7 players
3 points for 8+ players

About Us

Even though there are plenty of party games, they rarely hit the exact right tone. Some games are too crass; some are too silly; some are too obsessed with being mean and lying to your friends. And almost none of them teach you about yourself and others.

After years at Magic the Gathering and WWE, Marc designed I Feel Attacked for exactly the gameplay that you want in party games.

  • rules take 30 seconds to learn
  • the tone can vary to suit your group
  • gameplay rarely repeats
  • it’s just as good with a beer in your hands or without

But also, it makes you look deeper at yourself and the people you've surrounded yourself with. What are my pet biases? Why do I even have them? Am I right about them, or am I being a jerk?

I Feel Attacked is made to be built to your friends, family, and subcultures. By releasing small themed booster packs covering more and more groups—like Gamers Feel Attacked, Film Buffs Feel Attacked, Millennials Feel Attacked, The Military Feels Attacked, and more—your box can become an extension of everything you.

Marc Calderaro
Creator, Lead Designer
John Freiler
Design, Development
Joe Nicolosi
Monica Freiler
Justin Talbott
Web Development